Saturday, 14 July 2012

Best Ranked Micro-Blogging Sites for SEO

SEO Services, SMO Services, SEO Company India

1. Twitter is the key player in space and the company name is used synonymously with micro-blogging.

2. Pownce recently launched a micro-blogging platform with added functionality.

3. Tumblr is a very clean, slick micro-blogging platform. Its focus is on simplicity and elegance.

4. Jaiku is considered by many to be Twitter's closest competitor. Most features and functions are    similar.

5. MySay is what it says. Instead of text updates, users call MySay andsay how they are doing today.

6.Hictu is a service for video microbloggers. A webcam and a mouse-click are all that is needed to create a videopost.

7. Moodmill is a way to express your mood or current state of being. A sliding scale facilitates this process.

8. Frazr is also very similar to Twitter. The main difference is one of language.

9. IRateMyDay allows you the ability to (yes, you guessed it) rate your day on a scale of 'Worst' to 'Great'.

10. Emotionr is a way to gauge your happiness on a scale of 1-10 (decimals included)


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