Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

Monday, 26 November 2012

Facebook steps to Business success

Build your Facebook Page

Facebook Pages let you build lasting relationships with your customers and create content that gets shown in news feed.

Pages allow you to:

• Express your identity with features like cover photos (851 x 315 pixels) and your business’s key milestones

• Add information about your business and respond to your customers in a quick, more personal way

To build your Page, simply:

• Visit to create your Page

• Use the Build Audience button and invite friends, family and employees to like your Page

• Get your web address and promote it on all your marketing material by downloading free Facebook signs

• Click here for more information on Pages:

Connect to new people with multiple well-targeted Facebook Ads

Once you have created your Page, increase your Page likes by connecting withmore customers using targeted Facebook Ads.

Facebook Ads allow you to:

• Grow your Page likes by offering valuable benefits and calls to action such as “LIke us to get exclusive sales”

• Reach a large audience with a well targeted Ad campaign so you can reach more people with your Page

To create Facebook Ads, simply:

• Go to to set up your Ads

• Create atleastfour versions of your Ads so you can experiment with differentimages, calls to action andmessaging

to understand which Ads are performing the best. Test out differenttargeting options like Broad Category targeting.

• Test a variety oftarget groupsbasedoncriteria suchas age, gender, likes, interests, location, etc.

• Regularly review the performance of your Ads by visiting

Engage your audience with quality content

Create a posting strategy to engage your audience on an ongoing basis and increase your posts’ visibility in news feed.

Your posting strategy allows you to:

• Give your Page an authentic and consistent voice and encourage people to like and share your posts

• Bring more customers to your store with Facebook Offers they can claim and share with their friends

To develop your posting strategy, simply:

• Create a conversational calendar to help plan the timing and themes of your posts (we suggest 1–2 posts per week)

• Post engaging contentlike photos, videos and questions to encourage participation

• Schedule your posts tomanage yourtme and download the Pages Manager app for iPhone to manage via mobile

• Once you have 400 likes, promoting your posts is an easy way to reach more people in news feed

•Monitor and optimize your Page performance regularlyusing Page Insights. Get the Insights guide.

Facebook’s Steps to Business Success

Influence the friends of fans by promoting social activity from your Page

Extend the reach of your posts by promoting stories coming from friends about them engaging with your Page.

Promoting your Page’s social activity allows you to:

• Drive awareness and promote interactions from people with your business

• Increase the visibility of your audience’s engagement with your Page to generate word-of-mouth promotion

To promote social activity from your Page, simply:

• Create sponsored stories at:

• Ensure your Page has a minimum of 1000 likes so you have enough reach for your campaign

• Sponsor your most important and compelling posts and create Page like sponsored stories to get more likes

• Regularly review, pause and optimize your campaigns at

• Review the Steps to Success and continue testing to see what works best

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Open Graph protocol- For Webpages

The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. For instance, this is used on Facebook to allow any web page to have the same functionality as any other object on Facebook.
While many different technologies and schemas exist and could be combined together, there isn't a single technology which provides enough information to richly represent any web page within the social graph. The Open Graph protocol builds on these existing technologies and gives developers one thing to implement. Developer simplicity is a key goal of the Open Graph protocol which has informed many of the technical design decisions.

Basic Metadata

To turn your web pages into graph objects, you need to add basic metadata to your page. We've based the initial version of the protocol on RDFa which means that you'll place additional <meta> tags in the <head> of your web page. The four required properties for every page are:
  • og:title - The title of your object as it should appear within the graph, e.g., "The Rock".
  • og:type - The type of your object, e.g., "". Depending on the type you specify, other properties may also be required.
  • og:image - An image URL which should represent your object within the graph.
  • og:url - The canonical URL of your object that will be used as its permanent ID in the graph, e.g., "".

Monday, 6 August 2012

Protect Your Profile From Facebook Dangers

Over the last few years, Facebook's growth has been phenomenal. The world's no. 1 social networking site also sometime back beat Google to become the most visited Web site in the US for an entire week at a stretch. However, the site has also lately being receiving lot of flak for its privacy policies. 

The problem lies with the nature of Facebook applications. When you launch a Facebook application, you first get past a permissions page. For example, the popular "MyCalendar" app requires information to "Your basic info", which includes your name, your profile picture, your gender, your networks, your user id, your friend list and any other information you made public.

Facebook, Facebook Dangers, SEO for Facebook, SEO Company India
Facebook Dangers
Random Friends Requests:

Every Facebook user has to brave this. And girls obviously face it far more than guys. The most common sight often noticed by users upon login is "New friend request -- Zero mutual friends?" In fact, most women would agree that 7 out of 10 requests are from random, unknown people who are not even remotely connected to them either through a common friend, or a mutual friend. No wonder many people like to keep their Facebook content protected from random surfers.